Creche Inauguration
Inauguration of Sanitary Building and Creche
Inauguration of Sanitary Building and Creche
e-SEWA KENDRA INTRODUCTION The Project of establishment of e-Sewa Kendras at District Courts was conceived and conceptualized by the e-Committee with an objective of leveraging the accessibility of services provided by the eCommittee of Supreme Court under its eCourts related Project and is aimed at strengthening “Access to Justice for all”. The e-Sewa Kendra, as the name suggest, is dedicated to serve the common litigant as a one stop center for all his/her Court related needs. In order to make it more visible, it is envisaged that it shall be strategically located right at the public entry gate accessed by litigants and shall provide every possible assistance to a litigant walking in. e-SEWA KENDRA, CIVIL COURT, AURANGABAD The e-Sewa Kendra at Civil Court, Aurangabad has been inaugurated virtually by Hon'ble Mr. Justice M.R. Shah Judge, Supreme Court of India in the august presence of Hon’ble Mr. Justice Sanjay Karol Chief Justice, Patna High Court and His Companion Judges on 24-November-2022 and is being functional from 25-11-2022. e-Sewa Kendra running in Aurangabad District Court has been designed as a triple window system, dedicated to serve the litigants in solving case related queries and assisting them in their day-to-day court related work.